The Impact Vulnerability Has as a Leader | Colonel Matt Good | Being Whole Podcast

Colonel Matthew T. Good is a native of Texas. He went to Texas A & M University where he joined the Corps of Cadets where he excelled in scholastics and leadership training. Upon graduation, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps, where he has been an active duty officer for the last 26 years.

As a Marine, Matt has garnered many accolades and has led troops in combat during several deployments. He is highly respected and is currently serving as a Marine liaison to the US Senate.

Matt is not defined by his Marine Corps activities. He is an avid long distance runner and enjoys hiking the countryside with his wife and four kids. He is a world traveler, amateur archaeologist, writer and a true Renaissance man.

A few takeaways from my conversation with Matt Good

1- Be vulnerable about what you don’t know and lean into collaboration to grow.

2- Trust is not immediate, it is earned by showing you care in those little moments that build over time.

3- Even if an organization has failures, it’s really about coming together and believing that leading with vulnerability, trust and mutual respect is a winning approach.

4- Sitting down regularly in a safe space with others that have these shared beliefs or foundations can really keep your mental health strong whether you are stateside or abroad in the service.

5- Even when you lose your cool, be honest with those around you to let them know that your emotions may not actually be in result of what they did but something that is completely separate from them.

6-  If you’re not intentional, your career will continue to take and take until you realize you’ve got nothing left to give and nothing left for yourself to live a comfortable life.

7- It’s important to realize what is truly important to us and being mindful about what can wait until a later time. In being self aware in these two areas is how we can truly find a balance in our lives.

8- We are feeling beings who also think. Deliberately managing the water in your cup is important to be a person you feel proud to be. 

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